The International Review of African American Art: Grief Recycled. Vol. 15. No. 2. Hampton, VA: Hampton University Museum, 1998.
The International Review of African American Art: Norman Lewis (1909-1979) Art and Legacy, vol. 24, no. 1. Hampton, VA: Hampton University Museum, 2015. Essay by Joyce Wellman, "The Nurturing Space of Cinque Gallery."
The International Review of African American Art, vol. 10, no. 3. Hampton, VA: Hampton University Museum, 1993. Essay by Richard J. Powell, “Journeying Beyond: The Prints and Paintings of Joyce Wellman.”
The International Review of African American Art, Printmaking, vol. 6, no. 4. Hampton, VA: Hampton University Museum, 1985.
Exhibition catalogue: Gathered Visions: Selected Works by African American Women Artists. Group exhibition, Anacostia Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, November 18, 1990–April 28, 1991.
Exhibition brochure: Joyce Wellman Number Works: Homage to Women in Mathematics. Solo exhibition, Harmony Hall Regional Center, Fort Washington, MD. March 26-May 18, 2018. Essay by Adrienne L. Childs, PhD.
Forbes, Dennis L. Krishna Reddy: Master Printmaker, Sculptor, Artist. "Know the Artist" Series #1. 2010.
King-Hammond, Lesley. Gumbo Ya Ya: Anthology of Contemporary African-American Women Artists. New York: Midmarch Arts Pr, 1995.
Lewis, Samella. African American Art and Artists. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.
Exhibition brochure: Free Stylin' Homage to Ed Clark — Works by Joyce Wellman. Foundry Gallery, Washington, DC. January 3-February 2, 2020. Essay by Michelle Parkerson.
Exhibition catalogue: Prints & Artists: WD Printmaking Workshop 1970–Present. Group exhibition, American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Alper Initiative for Washington Art. September 3–October 20, 2019.
Exhibition brochure: Coded Messages: Joyce Wellman. Lockhart Gallery, State University of New York, Geneseo, January 24–March 8, 2018. Essay by Adrienne L. Childs, PhD.
Exhibition catalogue: Dancing on the Edge of the Abyss: Abstractions by African American Women Artists in the Cochran Collection. The Columbus Museum, Columbus, GA, April 21–August 26, 2018.
Exhibition catalogue: Circle of Friends. Group exhibition, American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Alper Initiative for Washington Art, Washington, DC. January 13–March 13, 2016.
Farrington, Lisa. Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists. Oxford University Press, 2011.
Exhibition catalogue: Art in Embassies Exhibition, United States Exhibition of Georgetown, Guyana. Group exhibition. Curated by Sarah Tanguy. 2009.
Exhibition brochure: Set Theory: Joyce Wellman Prints, Paintings, Drawings. Gallery 1, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AK. January 16–March 7, 2007.
The Experimental Printmaking Institute Presents: Tague-Blackburn Artist in Residence Joyce Wellman. Easton, PA: Lafayette College, 2006.
Exhibition catalogue: Chance and Necessity. Traveling group exhibition. Curated by Power Boothe. Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, MD. Boyden Gallery, St. Mary's College, St. Mary's City, MD; McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, VA; Kennedy Museum of Art, Ohio University, Athens, OH. 1998-1999.
Exhibition catalogue: Works on Paper: Prints by Stephanie Pogue and Joyce Wellman. Group exhibition, Howard University Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. January 10–February 7, 1992.
Exhibition brochure: Let the Art be First. Group exhibition, Washington Women's Arts Center. Washington, DC. February 4–March 1, 1986.
Exhibition catalogue: Atlanta Life Insurance Company, Fourth Annual National Art Competition and Exhibition. Group exhibition. January 6–February 29, 1984. Awarded third prize in Printmaking.
The Phillips Collection, Interview. "Sacred geometry, numerology, and Klee: Joyce Wellman on her art," 2025.
The Phillips Collection Member Magazine, Summer 2024.